We are April and Jay Matta 5D Mystics, and the visionaries behind SpirituallyRAW, the GnosticTV Network, and accomplished ASEA Double Diamond Executives.

With a renowned proven track record of empowering 1000’s of clients, we help entrepreneurs establish unparalleled success in business and life.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe,

think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

- Nikola Tesla



The path we traversed before venturing into broadcasting was a tapestry of contrasts yet exhibited striking similarities. The year 2009 marked a pivotal turn in our journey: we experienced burnout after a decade-long, highly successful tenure as owners of an insurance and financial services agency.

This period, rich in achievements, was undeniably rewarding, yet it beckoned us towards a realization - it was not the ultimate calling of our higher purpose. So, we sold the business and embarked on the SpirituallyRAW journey with no prior experience in broadcasting, no mentors, and no knowledge of social media. It was all trial and error.

However, our extensive experience in sales provided the ideal groundwork for mastering audience engagement. It taught us the art of effectively delivering our message and the skill of converting that connection into tangible results.

This new venture brought with it a steep learning curve, a series of mistakes, and significant financial investments. When we say 'trust us, we’ve been in your shoes', we really mean it! During the 1st eighteen months we dedicated ourselves to mastering the art of broadcasting. We honed our skills, interviewed over 1,200 thought leaders, and established a vast consulting business, leveraging our newfound expertise.

During this period, we realized the overwhelming majority of content creators needed to learn how to make money from broadcasting, so from 2011-2020, we took a hiatus from recording and consulted with entrepreneurs on how to turn their social media connections into cash.

SpirituallyRAW became a spark for change and forever altered the course of our lives. Fast forward to April 2020. The Universe planted the broadcasting seed again, and the show was an instant hit.

As of December 2023, we’ve interviewed over 2500 way-showers and messengers from around the globe, delving into the mysteries of life, the universe, and our reality. Despite facing immense censorship, and the loss of multiple YouTube channels, and deleted social media pages and groups, we stood resolute in our mission. Overcoming these challenges, we founded the GnosticTV Network, created the 5D Economy Academy, and became ASEA Double Diamond Executives in twelve months, a record-breaking time!

We are authors of The 12 Universal Laws Decoded: How to Apply Ancient Wisdom for Modern Success and "Abundance Alchemy: Quick" Positive Life Changes for Manifestation Mastery. These two transformative eBooks encapsulate the profound understanding of universal principles and their application for achieving success and abundance in the modern world.

Our journey has led us to a profound understanding: we are neither psychics nor mediums, and we do not rely on tarot cards, pendulums, crystal balls, or other divination tools for insights. Instead, we gain clarity and guidance by channeling our Infinite Higher Self and placing unwavering trust in our Sacred Inner-Being. This approach has not only been our guiding light but also a cornerstone in our path of spiritual and personal evolution.

Much LOVE to All.

April & Jay